All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Wild Life

Taking photos of wildlife has always been one of my favorite things to do. It can be so hard to catch an animal in it's natural environment and still get the shot you want. I have a whole collection of blurs of animals on the go, but here are a few of my favorites. I am also including some domestic animals in here as well!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I think it's important to share with you, the people who have inspired me as a photographer.

As a little girl, I remember following around my Uncle Rob. He was the one who got me to look at photography as more than just taking pictures; it was about creating an image that says something. He would show me how to frame a picture and how to be creative with the images I took. He has been a huge factor that has lead me down this road.

Some of the other photographers who I have been inspired by include:

Nellie Gould of Nellie Photography in Peoria, IL.

Kari Douma of Kari Douma Photography in Grand Rapids, MI.

Mike Hill of Mike Hill Photography in New Zealand.

I love looking through their photos and blogs! They are each so unique in their style and composition.
Thank you for being my inspiration!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tripp Wedding: 5-21-11

I had the pleasure of photographing my roomates wedding yesterday. After over a week of gray, rainy weather, the sun made an appearance from about two hours before the wedding started until one hour after the reception! It turned out to be such a gorgeous day for such a gorgeous wedding. It was fun to photograph a couple that I have not only lived with, but also helped plan the engagement and I took their engagement pictures. As a wedding photographer, I feel so special to be able to witness the intimate special moments that will stay with the couple for many years to come. Here's to a Jon and Melissa! Congrats!