All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Perret Family Photos

I am finally posting the rest of the Perret Family photos. I had so much fun with this lovely couple and their three gorgeous pups. We got the photo shoot in just in time before Hurricane Sandy hit!


Senior Photo Session with Josh

Last weekend I did a photo shoot with high school senior, Josh. Josh is a big military history buff, so we took the photos as Fort Constitution in New Castle, NH.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Sneak Peek at the Perret Family Photoshoot

Minneapolis Zoo Photoshoot

A few weeks ago I traveled to Minneapolis for work. It was so great to be back in Minnesota! I got to see old friends and visit some fun places. My friend Megan works at the Minneapolis Zoo, so in between my morning and evening college fairs, I visited her and took some photos of the animals during the break. Thanks Megan for a fun afternoon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

One-a-Day: FINAL DAY- Day 108

Today was my last photo-a-day for the summer! I cannot believe how quickly this summer flew by! 
I wanted this final picture to be a fun one, so I asked my friends at our Labor Day BBQ to pose for me. :)

One-a-Day: Day 107

This weekend I helped my friends Sherry and Fernando move into their new house. My friend Chelsea and I used to live here! I hope this house treats them as well as it did for us. It will be a great home for them as they build their new life together (they are getting married in January).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 106

Jaclyn was a breath-takingly beautiful bride. Here she is getting getting ready moments before seeing her groom!

One-a-Day: Day 105

This past weekend I had the honor of officiating my good friends Jaclyn and Rob's wedding. Here is the couple enjoying a quiet moment after the wedding rehearsal.

One-a-Day: Day 104

My friend Chelsea discovered this little walking path the other morning while taking her dog for a walk. Later that afternoon we walked all the way to the end. It was such a great discovery!

One-a-Day: Day 103

On the way home from work, as I stopped at a red light, I spotted this scene. I'm not sure what they were doing, but the colors caught my eyes. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 102

It's that time of year again!

One-a-Day: Day 101

Before bringing Megan and Eric back to the airport, we stopped at Prescott Park. The flowers were so gorgeous and there were butterflies everywhere.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 100!!!

Today is my 100th photo-of-the-day this summer! Today, Megan, Eric and I climbed to the top of Mt. Major for a sunset hike and picnic. It was the perfect way for them to take in a view of the mountains and the lake. Great way to end their trip on their last night in New Hampshire.

One-a-Day: Day 99

Congratulations to my good friends Danny and April. They had a gorgeous wedding yesterday in Rhode Island. They are such an amazing match for each other and I feel so blessed to have been able to witness their big day. I wish them a life full of happiness!

One-a-Day: Day 98

Flowers in Prescott Park. A group of us picnicked in the park while we watched the Willy Wonka play.

One-a-Day: Day 97

I brought my friends to check out one of my favorite spots in the area, the Nubble Lighthouse in Maine. they also thought it was a great photo op!

One-a-Day: Day 96

My friends Megan and Eric are visiting from Minnesota this week. We hit up Boston for the day and walked all over the city. Here is a view of Boston from the Freedom Trail.

One-a-Day: Day 95

The lovely Thompson Hall on UNH's campus, just waiting for the students to arrive.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 93

I enjoyed a perfect summer day at Old Orchard Beach, Maine with a friend today.

One-a-Day: Day 92

Yesterday was the wedding of my friends Mike and Jamie. Here was the couple's first dance. It was a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Stoinski!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 91

Playing cards with one of my favorite little people.

One-a-Day: Day 90

I rarely use the "nightshot" setting on my camera, but decided to have a little fun taking pictures of my friends after a girls night out. Here is our Blair Witch style photo!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 89

Today, at work, we had a surprise wedding luncheon for my co-worker/friend Danny and April complete with Bruce Springsteen bandanas (Danny is obsessed with "The Boss").

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 88

Today after work I checked out the horse barns on campus.

Monday, August 13, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 87

Tonight, my friend Chelsea and I had a picnic at the historic Hamilton House 
and then walked around Vaughn Woods.

One-a-Day: Day 86

This weekend, I volunteered to help out at the VFW Annual Clam Bake in Marion, MA. While there, we spotted this wasp nest inside the barrel of an old cannon. 

One-a-Day: Day 85

I went on a road trip with friends this weekend. We stopped at a unique little pizza place in Springfield, MA that had all different kinds of strange pizza, including this macaroni pizza!

One-a-Day: Day 84

Wedding dress shopping with the girls to find the perfect dress for Sherry!