All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Friday, June 29, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 42

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...
Home to Michigan that is, for the next two weeks!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 41

This might be one of my favorites so far! My friends are amazing and made a great dinner to celebrate my early birthday. I will be back in Michigan on my actual birthday, so we had a great dinner and then went out to enjoy some ice cream. It was a great night with great friends!

One-a-Day: Day 40

It's not often that I get to venture over to our Manchester campus, but my summer grad class is located over there. Here is my pic of the UNH-M sign.

One-a-Day: Day 39

I felt so sick on Day 39 that I only left the house to go to the doctor's and to the pharmacy. It was a rainy, thunderstormy-kind-of-day, but in the afternoon there was a brief break in the clouds. This was  the one time I got off the couch that day. I took a picture of the sun through the trees out my window.

One-a-Day: Day 38

This week I officially started grad school! I also officially came down with strep throat. Yuck. The most interesting thing I viewed on Day 38 was my throat, but I thought I would spare you with that image and put a pretty cloud picture up instead. ;) This was the sky on my way home from class. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 37

What better place to study for my grade class than at the beach?!

One-a-Day: Day 36

One area that I need more practice in is indoor photography. 
I decided to do a photoshoot with my shoes. I wasn't super happy with the pictures, 
but here is one anyway.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 35

Welcome signs in chalk around the UNH campus to welcome students for orientation.

One-a-Day: Day 34

Thursday, I went to New Castle Commons to celebrate the 7th birthday of one of the little girls I babysit for. Family and friends all came out to celebrate the occasion. Here is a family picture of Grandma and Grandpa with their grandchildren. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 33

Some of the lovely ladies of the UNH Admissions office goofing off at lunch time.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 32

Today I wanted to be a little more creative than just to post my usual flower pictures. I had fun doctoring this one up a bit. First, I set up a little light studio in my apartment. Then I sprayed the rose with water. After choosing from about 50 different shots, I chose this one. I decided on this blueish-purplish hue to switch it up more than just the normal red.

One-a-Day: Day 31

It has been a long time since I have taken notice of a payphone. Spotted this one on my lunch break in downtown Durham.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 30

Pierce Island, Portsmouth, NH
This is one of my favorite little places to go when I want a peaceful evening. Made it just in time for the "golden hour".

One-a-Day: Day 29

Yesterday, I was so excited to head to Hampton Beach for the Sand Sculpture Contest. However, upon arriving, I realized I got the wrong weekend. It's not for another week! But, we got to watch the artists in the beginning stages of sculpting the Avengers sculpture.

One-a-Day: Day 28

I took a vacation day on Friday and it was a girls day at the beach. We rode in style in my friend Sherry's gorgeous new convertible!

Friday, June 15, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 27

Last night after work, 4 of us girls and two dogs hiked to the top of Mt. Major just in time to watch the sunset over Lake Winnipesaukee. It is such a breath-taking view! Hiking back down after the sun had set had it's challenges, but we had a great time!

One-a-Day: Day 26

It was ice cream social day at work!

One-a-Day: Day 25

Last Tuesday was Shuck-a-Buck oyster night in Portsmouth. A big group of my friends and I headed there to enjoy some seafood!

Monday, June 11, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 24

Flowers outside of my office in the afternoon sun.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 23

Today was another beautiful sunny day. After spending the morning at the beach, my friends and I headed to our friend Meagan's house to lay out by the pool while the dogs ran around and played. Brewski and Hooper had a great time chasing each other around and then lazing in the shade.

One-a-Day: Day 22

Yesterday was Market Square Day in downtown Portsmouth. It was a perfect day to check out all of the vendors and walk around. This is a picture of my friend Chelsea and her sister Cammie, who was celebrating her birthday. Happy birthday Cam!

One-a-Day: Day 21

I took a vacation day on Friday and spent it exploring Boston. I went on my first duck boat tour, had a great dinner and wandered around the city. While walking past Fenway, the man at the ticket booth said they had a couple of tickets left and since it was the top of the 3rd, we could get them for 50% off. Having never been to a Red Sox game, I jumped on the deal. We had seats right behind home plate. It was awesome!

One-a-Day: Day 20

Day 20 signified one month until my 10-year high school reunion. I cannot believe it's been 10 years! Sometimes it feels like time has escaped me and at other times it feels like a life away. So, for this occasion, I decided to take a picture of my senior yearbook.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Day 19

Can you guess what this is a picture of? 
I will give you a hint: I went to the "Scooper-Bowl" in Boston today!

Photo-a-Day: Day 18

Spotted this little bird and his friends hanging out in the parking lot of my apartment building. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Photo-a-Day: Day 17

Another rainy day made for a cool raindrop picture.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 16

It was another rainy day today. I invited my friends over to do our nails and watch trashy reality shows all afternoon. It was perfect!

One-a-Day: Day 15

Yesterday was a cold, rainy day, so it made for a perfect evening to go over to some friends' house for dinner. These were the amazing gluten-free cupcakes my friend Julia made. Some were filled with lemon custard and some with peach jam with a homemade butter cream frosting on top. Well done Julia!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 14

While relaxing out in my friend's backyard yesterday, we spotted this little inchworm.

Friday, June 1, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 13

On UNE's campus, there is a seal rehabilitation center. Here is one of the little seal pups. He has his identification tag on it's head and a satellite on it's back. When they release the pup into the waters on the edge of campus, they can then keep track of how it's doing. 

One-a-Day: Day 12

I am just returning from two great days at the annual NEACAC Conference at the University of New England in Biddeford, ME. It is just one more reason why I love my job! It was a great conference. The campus sits on the edge of the water and is really gorgeous. This is a photo of one of the flowers right along the water's edge.