All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

One-a-Day: FINAL DAY- Day 108

Today was my last photo-a-day for the summer! I cannot believe how quickly this summer flew by! 
I wanted this final picture to be a fun one, so I asked my friends at our Labor Day BBQ to pose for me. :)

One-a-Day: Day 107

This weekend I helped my friends Sherry and Fernando move into their new house. My friend Chelsea and I used to live here! I hope this house treats them as well as it did for us. It will be a great home for them as they build their new life together (they are getting married in January).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One-a-Day: Day 106

Jaclyn was a breath-takingly beautiful bride. Here she is getting getting ready moments before seeing her groom!

One-a-Day: Day 105

This past weekend I had the honor of officiating my good friends Jaclyn and Rob's wedding. Here is the couple enjoying a quiet moment after the wedding rehearsal.

One-a-Day: Day 104

My friend Chelsea discovered this little walking path the other morning while taking her dog for a walk. Later that afternoon we walked all the way to the end. It was such a great discovery!

One-a-Day: Day 103

On the way home from work, as I stopped at a red light, I spotted this scene. I'm not sure what they were doing, but the colors caught my eyes.