All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

365: Day 362

My beautiful mom and grandma out to lunch at The Michigan House.

365: Day 361

Awesome sunrise in the backyard.

365: Day 360

Celebrated Christmas with our "family-by-heart". They are more than just close family friends, so we call them our "family-by-heart". This is my nephew Jackson and the Hunter and Gabrielle.

365: Day 359

My littlest  nephew Silas is such a happy baby! He loves to drool, giggle, fake cough, grab his feet, and smile.

365: Day 358

For Christmas Eve this year, we rented out the "Nara Chalet" and had a big family sledding party, complete with cocoa and a fireplace to warm up in afterwards. Here is a great action shot of my mom and nephew going down the hill!

365: Day 357

Making Christmas cookies! My grandma is home with us for the holidays. I love this picture of my nephew Jackson (in his Spiderman suit, of course) with his great-grandma. He doesn't want to leave her side!

365: Day 356

It's so great to be back in Upper Michigan with my family for the holidays.
The birds love the feeders in my parents' backyard. I took this picture just as something scared them all away.

365: Day 355

Taking a break from cleaning and backing before my trip home to enjoy a cup of cocoa by the Christmas tree.

365: Day 354

Got together with friends to watch the UNH vs. North Dakota football game.

365: Day 353

Enjoying dinner and drinks after work with friends before we all leave for the holiday break.

365: Day 352

Christmas Pointsettia

365: Day 351

Chilly morning in New Hampshire.

365: Day 350

The annual Smith Hall holiday party. Here are all of my lovely co-workers.

365: Day 349

I flew back to New Hampshire and had a layover in New Jersey. We flew right past the Statue of Liberty and had a view of the NYC skyline in the background.

365: Day 348

After a hard couple of days, it was so great to be with family. This is my mom and her siblings who were cracking up about something. I know my grandpa would have wanted us to all be smiling and happy!

365: Day 347

As hard as my grandpa's funeral was, I was so glad I could surrounded by family. After the funeral, 24 of us all went back to my grandma's apartment to share stories and memories. As we were doing this, my niece decided to try on my cousin's high heels and walk around in them. It was a great way to get us all to laugh!

Monday, December 30, 2013

365: Day 346

I flew into Grand Rapids to be with my family after the loss of my grandpa. As hard as it was, it was comforting to see all of the wonderful things he did with his life. It made me so proud to say he was my grandfather. Miss you grandpa.

365: Day 345

While staying in Keene for the night I received the phone call that my grandfather had passed away. It was a whirlwind of emotions; the obvious sadness of the loss of a great man and an important influence on my life and a relief that he went quickly without suffering. My grandma asked me to sing one of my grandpa's favorite hymn's at his funeral.

365: Day 344

Another evening spent driving to Keene for a work event. As we pulled over to put more windshield washer fluid, I took this picture of the beautiful sunset.

365: Day 343

My sneaky little elf-on-a-shelf decided to toilet paper my Christmas tree.

365: Day 342

My first Manchester Monarch's hockey game.

365: Day 341

It was another great holiday party! This year was a Gatsby theme and the girls went all out!

365: Day 340

Getting my outfit together for the Gatsby Holiday Party.

365: Day 339

Super cute orange shoes a friend passed down to me.

365: Day 338

The fraternities and sororities all decorated their houses for Christmas.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

365: Day 337

I invited some of the girls over for a "Clean-Out-the-Closet Party". We brought over any old clothes we didn't want and swapped them!

365: Day 336

Sticker I spotted on campus.

365: Day 335

I love my real Christmas tree!

365: Day 334

My Christmas tree with the little elf I made back in 4th grade.

365: Day 333

Fun makeup kit I bought on Black Friday

365: Day 332

My friend's Angela and Alpay's adorable puppy Ryder.

365: Day 331

I made gluten-free stuffing for Thanksgiving.

365: Day 330

My new Joan of Arc Sorel boots.

365: Day 329

Jewelry at the mall

365: Day 328


365: Day 327

Had a blast at Gnarlemagne's last concert.

365: Day 326

Discover UNH Day on campus. It was amazing to hear the stories of these three high school students. Awesome day!

365: Day 325

Super cute apron my mom made me for Thanksgiving.

365: Day 324

Fur scarf at the mall. Looked cute, but made me sneezy!

365: Day 323

Enjoying our lunch break outside for one of the last warm days.

365: Day 322

A view of T-Hall from a window during my break from class.

365: Day 321

Abandoned bird's nest

Saturday, December 28, 2013

365: Day 320

A friend and I went for a chilly walk around Fort Foster and even tested the water temperature. It was a windy, chilly day along the shore.

365: Day 319

The "onion volcano" at a hibatchi restaurant where we went to celebrate my friend's birthday.

365: Day 318

Me and the little girl I babysit for, who is not so little anymore (almost 10! I can't believe it!).

365: Day 317

As a co-worker and I were driving to Keene for a work event, we noticed the pink sky ahead. As we rounded a corner this was the view. We both jumped out and grabbed our cameras just in time to catch this picture.

365: Day 316

I went to a friend's house for a makeup party. All of us girls brought over our makeup and watched a demonstration on how to do smokey eyes. We had a blast!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

365: Day 315

Flag at half mast day after Veteran's Day.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

365: Day 314

I had the amazing privilege of photographing this cutie pie, Miss Maddie Richer. She was such a great little model!

365: Day 313

Gluten-free banana bread