All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

365: Day 77

365: Day 76

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
Had an awesome time at my friends Danny and April's 3rd annual St. Paddy's party.

365: Day 75

One of the cutest little guys I know: Mr. Tucker after bath time.

365: Day 74

After work on Friday, I headed over to my friends' Sherry and Fernando's house to enjoy nachos and Habanero-infused strawberry margaritas.

365: Day 73

It was a tights-kind-of-day. Brrrrrr!!!

365: Day 72

Gorgeous sunny day

Monday, March 18, 2013

365: Day 71

Melting snow makes for fun reflections in the parking lot puddles. 

365: Day 70

Wouldn't parking meters be a little more fun if they were pink?

365: Day 69

Fun little find while on a walk at the beach with friends.

365: Day 68

My friend told me about these great trails that are just down the road. So, last weekend, while the sun was shining bright, I ventured out to explore them. I loved this random mailbox on the trail.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

365: Day 67

Despite having a snow day, we still held our admissions event. We invited all of our in-state admitted students to an information session, followed by a pizza dinner and tickets to the UNH vs. UMaine hockey game. It was a great night!

365: Day 66

Class was cancelled (along with my mid-term exam) due to the impending evening storm. This was the view behind the parking lot as the snow just started to fall.

365: Day 65

This gorgeous pup belongs to my friend Stephanie. 
She kept us company while we studied for our grad class mid-term.

365: Day 64

Happy birthday to my amazing friend Meagan P.! We celebrated during our lunch break with a fun cake.

365: Day 63

Fancy lock on my friend's kitchen cabinet.

365: Day 62

Lipstick in the department store

365: Day 61

The new mural that is going up in HoCo. 

365: Day 60


365: Day 59

Please pardon the poor quality of this photo, but I thought it was too fun not to post. 
Happy birthday to my co-worker Carol. She was spinning around in her office chair!

365: Day 58

Bird collage I made last year.

365: Day 57

Close-up of a beaded frame I got from my friend Megan for Christmas.

365: Day 56

Absolutely gorgeous wintry morning walking around the UNH campus. 
Can you believe this is where I work?!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

365: Day 55

Snowy evening outside my apartment building.

365: Day 54

I took a ton of photos while on a hike around The Castle in the Clouds, but of all the pictures I took this ended up being my favorite. I never knew sap on a tree would be so blue-ish. I thought it was gorgeous!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

365: Day 53

Decorative "flowers" I have in my apartment. I had fun using different editing tools.

365: Day 52

Close-up of a basket

365: Day 51

I park in this lot all the time, but never noticed the graffiti on the fence until today.

365: Day 50

I was really missing my Grandma today. So I took a picture of the charm bracelet she and my grandpa gave me as a Christmas gift 11 years ago.

365: Day 49

After class the other night, I headed to the library to check out a movie for a group project. I have been in the library before, but I actually got lost in the basement, and while I was wandering around figured I might as well take some pictures!

365: Day 48

I have a boatload of photos-a-day to upload for you! Sorry I am so delayed.
I had fun playing around with editing apps with this rose picture.