All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

365: Day 267

A very sweet, thoughtful friend surprised me with this awesome watch today. I love it!!

365: Day 266

Checked out a new restaurant in Newmarket with a great friend after work yesterday.

365: Day 265

My prayers were answered when my professor said we would spend the first 10 minutes of class outside. Wahoo! (I was checking the time on my phone and accidentally took this pic.)

365: Day 264

Happy first day of fall! May your cider be warm, your leaf colors be bright, and your sweaters be cozy. Happy autumn everyone!

365: Day 263

One of my favorite things to do is head to the beach to do some people-watching.

365: Day 262

Our admissions office is seeing a lot of changes, but they are good ones. Cheers to some of our new staff. Welcome to the family!

365: Day 261

I love when Mother Nature gives you beautiful creations.
Here is a pattern the rain left in the mud.

365: Day 260

Cruising through covered bridges while on my way to college fairs. I won't complain!

365: Day 259

I love having Keene as my travel territory! It's one of my favorite little cities to visit.

365: Day 258

You're welcome.

365: Day 257

Went for a walk in Vaughn Woods with my friends Lara.
The flowers at the gardens there are always so gorgeous. 

365: Day 256

I went on a motorcycle ride the other day and we ended up going to the Manchester airport and watched the planes land on the runway during sunset. Awesome evening!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

365: Day 255

As much as I love thunderstorms, I don't necessarily love hiking across campus in a monsoon to retrieve my car and then have load it up for travel.

365: Day 254

Those that know me, know that I love thunderstorms. Like really LOVE thunderstorms. So, to my great pleasure, the heavens unloaded during lunch break and gave us all an awesome show!

365: Day 253

Some great friends during the LGBTQA Garden Party.

365: Day 252

One of my favorite days at UNH is U-Day.
All of the student clubs and orgs put tables out on T-Hall lawn for students to come around and learn more about them, and the street is closed off for a huge BBQ. I love this school!

365: Day 251

The view from the stairwell of Murkland Hall during my break from class.

365: Day 250

I spent Sunday walking around Dover with some great friends. It was a perfect fall day!
We spotted this tall sunflower downtown.

365: Day 249

Experienced my first Hampton Beach Seafood Festival with my friend Stephanie.
We had a great time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

365: Day 248

Had a great hike up Mt. Major with my friends Chelsea and Taylor to watch the sunset.
 It was a great way to de-stress from another busy week.

365: Day 247

It's boot weather! As much as I am sad that summer is ending, I secretly love being able to pull out my boots, scarves, and sweaters.

365: Day 246

For whatever reason, this sign just caught my eye.

365: Day 245

I came home from to work to see a car stopped smack dab in the middle of the parking lot. There was a girl bent over next to it staring at a huge pile of something on the asphalt. I got out of my car to see what was going on and spotted this big ol' turtle just chillaxin' in the heat of the pavement. I attempted to scoop him up with a snow shovel, but when that didn't work another neighbor came over and picked him up by his shell and released him to a safer place.

365: Day 244

When it's a chilly, rainy day, I know just the sweatshirt to throw on.

365: Day 243

The last photo was of Brewski's crimpy fur, so I figured I better show all of Brewski for today's pic.
 I cannot get enough of this dog! He is the perfect model too.

365: Day 242

I was lucky enough to spend a few days up at a friend's cabin up in Maine. Their dog, Brewski
loves to play in the water and when he comes out his fur gets all crimpy, which I adore.
So, here is my ode to Brewski's crimps.

365: Day 241

After a very hectic week at work, the girls and I decided to meet up for some fruity, fun drinks to kick off the weekend.

365: Day 240

I love seeing all the welcome back signs around campus!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

365: Day 239

Went to the dentist this afternoon. While my smile is definitely not perfect, I have learned to be okay with it, and it's a good thing, since I use it a lot! :)

365: Day 238

A little piece of home.
My parents bought this magnet for me this past Christmas. My parents house is on Liminga Rd.

365: Day 237

First day of school!
Class 8 of 12 in my grad program.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

365: Day 236

Katie's first cannoli!
We spent the day walking around Boston (over 12 miles of walking!). We went to Boston Commons, Boston Gardens, Fenway Park, Faneuil Hall, Freedom Trail and stopped for cannoli's in the North End.

365: Day 235

My friend Kate has always wanted to visit Maine. So we headed up the coast for the day. We grabbed lunch at one of my favorite places in Kennebunk and then wandered around all the little shops.

365: Day 234

My college roommate came to visit for a few days! It was her first trip to New England, so we hit up the beach and relaxed for the first day. It was so great to catch up on the past 4 years and enjoy the sun and sand.

365: Day 233

Fun, little ceramic pig I found on sale at T.J. Maxx. He looked like he needed a good home.

365: Day 232

I love my little apartment, but my biggest pet peeve is that there isn't much natural light. I know that adding mirrors near windows can help reflect the light and make a room brighter. So, I purchased cheap door mirrors (for about $7 a piece) and stenciled this pretty pattern on them to add a little pizazz. I am pretty happy with how they turned out!

365: Day 231

It was a perfect night for dinner and drinks in downtown Portsmouth. This was our view of Kittery across the river.

365: Day 230

Close up of construction equipment outside our office.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

365: Day 229

While enjoying some relaxing beach time, I came across this nice lady.

365: Day 228

Met up with a couple friends and enjoyed nachos at Poco's and then drinks out on the decks in Portsmouth. I love the view of the tugboats!

365: Day 227

Upholstery tacks on a fancy chair.

365: Day 226

Colorful cupcakes at the Starbucks across from my office.

365: Day 225

Went to Newburyport, MA for dinner and enjoyed the sunset.

365: Day 224

My friend Stephanie's family was visiting from Wisconsin. They rented a house on the beach for the week and invited a bunch of us over for a lobsterfest. Their dog, Desi, wasn't quite as excited about the lobster as we were.

365: Day 223

I re-organized my tiny apartment and finally created a little office space.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

365: Day 222

Spent the weekend in Marion, MA to volunteer for the VFW Clam Bake Fundraiser for the 2nd year in a row. It's always so fun to watch them get the fire going and then cook all the food. I love watching the whole process. We always have a good time at the clam bake.

365: Day 221

It was about 11:00 p.m. and I was staying in Marion, MA with a friend's family, when I realized I had not yet taken a photo that day. This is a picture, taken through the bathroom window, of a tree lit up by a light in the backyard.

365: Day 220

Rainy day

365: Day 219

 As I had been re-organizing my apartment, I wanted to come up with a better way to organize my jewelry. I bought a cheap bulletin board, stapled cheap fabric to it, and pinned up my necklaces. Voila!

365: Day 218

The MUB (Memorial Union Building)