All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

365: Day 279

I tried my hand at homemade doughnuts for the first time. And it was a success! These are my gluten-free pumpkin spice "doughnuts".

365: Day 278

My friend and I went for a cruise along the Maine coast. There is something about driving along the rocky shore one a gray, misty evening. We stopped at this little beach to smell the sea and watch the waves.

365: Day 277

One of my favorite fall activities is apple-picking. I headed up to Portland, ME to meet with my friends Emily and Reid. Em and I have been friends since we were in second grade. She and her husband Reid (who I have also been friends with since high school) are completing their doctor residency in Maine. It is so great to have friends from home so close to me out here in New England. We headed to a cute little apple farm North of Portland to load our bags with apples. We followed that up with dinner at a delicious Asian noodle bar where we sat outside and people watched while sipping on our soup. Perfect day with great people!

365: Day 276

My friend Lara and I go to see all the musicals at the Palace Theatre in Manchester. This time it was RENT, one of our all-time favorites. We always get the cheap seat tickets way in the back of the balcony so we can sing along without bothering the other patrons. It was a fantastic show!

365: Day 275

I finally got to hold this little nugget! My good friends Danny and April had a little girl a couple of months ago. I was able to see her quick a few weeks ago, but finally headed over to their place and actually got to hold her. Although, I wanted to hold her all night, her mom and dad said it was her bedtime. One of my favorite parts of the night was seeing the two of them just stare down at her while she slept. They are going to be such amazing parents. It warms my heart!

365: Day 274

It was great to actually have a free evening! Some friends and I grabbed dinner and brought it to Henry Law Park in Dover to enjoy the fall weather. Here is Mr. Hooper who had a blast making friends with other dogs and playing in the leaves.

365: Day 273

I had a little break in between college fairs and headed back to Dorr's Pond in Manchester to sit in the peace and quiet for a little bit. I am definitely a people-person and love to talk with potential students and their families about UNH and the college admissions process, but sometimes it's nice to get away from it all and just head into the woods and relax!

365: Day 272

This sweet bloodhound is Miss Alabama. She likes to climb up and snooze on the ottoman. I love her huge paws!

Monday, October 7, 2013

365: Day 271

A friend introduced me to this great little park in Manchester last weekend. While walking along the trails, we came up on some pine needles and I was inspired to make a little star on the boardwalk.

365: Day 270

Great evening at the famous Deerfield Fair! I have never seen so many cars in one place at one time!

365: Day 269

Was at work bright and early on Day #2 of the college fair. Enjoying the calm before the storm; just waiting for the college reps to come back and the students to flood the gym.

365: Day 268

I ran my first college fair last week! The University of New Hampshire hosts a college fair that over 220 colleges and 2,000 visitors attend. The sun was shining, the visitors poured in, and the fair went off without a hitch. I am so grateful to my amazing co-workers who made it all possible!
To celebrate the UNH fair, here is a photo of the UNH Wildcat.