All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 37

I just can't do Summer-Photo-a-Day project without including a picture of the Nubble Lighthouse in Cape Neddick, Maine.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 36

My brother is visiting for the week! On the way back from picking him up at the airport, we headed to the Hampton Beach Sand Sculpture competition. The sculptures were amazing!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 35

Raul and Ally got married yesterday at Flaghill Winery. It was another gorgeous wedding! I am so happy for this super cute, goofy, friendly, awesome couple. I know they will have a beautiful marriage ahead of them.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 34

One of my favorite art sculptures on campus.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 33

I got an early birthday present this week from a pretty great guy; a macro lens for my camera! I tested it out with a picture of my necklace.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 32

Marie and Chels are totally ready for our softball game.
(We ended up losing 32-1, but we had fun!)

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 31

Spiderweb while walking on the Dover trails.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 30

Spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Pierce Island Common watching the mom and dad geese teaching their little babies how to swim.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 29

Celebrated the wedding of these two dear friends. These two could not have found a better match in each other and I felt so blessed to witness the start of their marriage. It was a touching ceremony and a beautiful and fun reception. Congratulations Eric and Julia!

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 28

Friday I surprised my boyfriend with a trip to the new Bass Pro Shop in Hooksett. They have a huge aquarium full of bass, trout, walleye and more. This trout caught my eye.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 27

Our office hosted a surprise celebration breakfast for both Beth and Eric's upcoming weddings. We were even able to sneak Julia in (Eric's fiance). Unfortunately Beth's fiance Joan couldn't make it, but we saved a space for her in the picture!

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 26

Enjoying lunch time outside on Tyler's last day in Admissions.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 25

Looks like I need to go shopping. I love this stuff!

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 24

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 23

On Sunday I attended the beautiful baby shower of my dear friend Meagan and her soon-to-be little one.  Her baby is already a proud little UNH Wildcat. We cannot wait to meet you Brynn! 

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 22

On Saturday I volunteered with a program called On-Belay. On-Belay is a non-profit that takes kids whose lives have been impacted my cancer and provides them with the chance to just be kids and have fun for a day. We took a 1912 Schooner out to Cow Island off of the Maine coast. The kids went kayaking and ziplining and did all sorts of other fun stuff. We all had an amazing day and I couldn't have been happier to have been a part of such a great program and organization. 

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 21

Friday afternoon Jason and I headed to the lookout near Wallis Sands to take some pictures of the dark storm clouds that were coming in. The clouds were off to the left of us in this picture.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 20

The second night of the NEACAC Conference was the President Reception which included these yummy desserts.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 19

This past week a group of us from UNH Admissions headed to Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH for the annual NEACAC Conference. The conference is never complete without a wild game of BINGO at the end of the first night!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 18

Decided to join a softball league this summer. We didn't have enough players on our team to play our game tonight, so we just played for fun. It was a perfect night for an easy-going game.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 17

Found this little guy at lunch time!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 16

Flowers on the tables of the country club during the post-wedding brunch 
(which was amazing by the way).

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 15

Congratulations to Jeff and Gilly on your gorgeous wedding! It was such a fun weekend celebrating the marriage of these two awesome people.

Summer Photo-a-Day: Day 14

Friday night a group of us headed part-way down to New Jersey for another friend's wedding. While driving into the night, I had fun in the front seat trying out different settings on my camera.