All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

365: Day 29

On Tuesday night I attended a reception at the UNH president's house. The reception was for our pre-MLK Commemorative Address.

365: Day 28

My money tree. I am hoping it will bring me good luck this year!

365: Day 27

On Sunday I took part in the UNH MLK Spiritual Celebration. People in the congregation wrote down one small way that they would spread love in the next year on paper hearts. They each brought up the hearts to the front of the church.

365: Day 26

This past weekend I went to the UNH gymnastics meet and watched the Wildcats kick some booty!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

365: Day 25

There can be great beauty in ordinary items. Any ideas what this is?

365: Day 24

I started my graduate classes for this semester. This is good ole' Morrill Hall, where I will be spending a lot of evening hours taking education courses this semester.
I did a retro take for this photo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

365: Day 23

My newest painting project. Just need to frame them up with tree branches to finish them off.

365: Day 22

Mixing up some paint to get the perfect color for my new project. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

365: Day 21

A little fun with celery tonight.

365: Day 20

A lone leaf photographed during the "golden hour" 
and a fun new iPhone editing app called Wood Camera.

365: Day 19

Amazing winter sunset after my evening walk.

365: Day 18

"The Lunch Bunch", as we call ourselves, ordered Thai lunch as a celebration of finishing reading all of our Early Action applications. We walked downtown to pick it up on this freezing cold day!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

365: Day 17

Today was my favorite kind of winter day. When all the snow is still stuck to the tree branches from the storm the day before. Everything looked amazing and I wanted to pull over about eight times on the way to work just to take pictures of the trees bowed over the road. But... I thought I probably shouldn't pull over for pictures or I never would have even made it into work. So, instead I parked in one of the farther lots and leisurely strolled my way to the office while taking pictures on the way!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

365: Day 16

Today was a gorgeous, snowy day. The kind of snow that sticks to all the trees and makes you feel like you are walking in a snow globe. My friend Chelsea and I took advantage of the beauty by walking the Dover trails again today.

365: Day 15

I love the fact that when I leave work now, there is a little glimpse of the sun still! This is a view of Thompson Hall at twilight as I left campus for the day.

Monday, January 14, 2013

365: Day 14

Today was a gorgeous, rare, 60 degree day! At lunchtime, a few of us went for a walk around campus and ran into our friend Gilly who was sporting these amazing earrings! I love them!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

365: Day 13

Happy Sunday Funday! Tonight I watched the Patriots game with some amazing friends. This is a picture of the Patriots logo on my shirt using the iBooth app, kaleidoscope setting. The "EW" you can see if from "New England" and the star in the middle is from the patriot's hat. 

365: Day 12

If you know the Williams girls at all, you know that Miss America is a legit holiday for us. The tradition started out with my grandma in the 50's. The pageant used to fall on the opening weekend of deer hunting season, so when my grandpa and his brothers would venture out the hunting camp, all the women would get together for a girls weekend and would watch Miss America. Well, the tradition still continues even though we are all spread throughout the U.S.. I invited these lovely ladies to join me (tiaras and all) to watch Miss America while we Skyped in with my mom and sister in Upper Michigan and called my grandma in lower Michigan. It was a fun, girly night!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

365: Day 11

As I climbed in my car after babysitting last night, this was the view through my windshield. Rain in January? Don't worry, I was parked when taking this.

Friday, January 11, 2013

365: Day 10

 "I Love You" in sign language. The shadow of the sign is facing backwards as if it is pointing back at me. One of my new year's resolution is to learn to love myself more this year.The afternoon sun was shining through the windows onto the front surface of our office desk creating the diamond pattern. The "I Love You" sign means a lot to me because this is how my family waves goodbye to each other. When leaving either of my grandparents house, we would always stick our hands out the window and wave like this all the way down the road until we couldn't see them anymore. I still do this!

365: Day 9

One of my favorite foods! My dad grew up on an asparagus farm, so it always makes me think of him!

365: Day 8

On my way home from work, 10 huge turkeys casually walked across the road in front of me, taking their merry time. Today, I saw them again on my way to work and one of them charged at my car! They look all nice and innocent here, but they are not! Also, trivia for the day, a group of turkeys can be called a rafter or a gang. This was definitely a gang.

365: Day 7

Happy birthday to my friend and co-worker Xio! We surprised her with a birthday cake in her office and even sang to her!

365: Day 6

It was a gorgeous sunny day, so my friend Chelsea and I took her dog, Hooper, for a walk along the Dover Trails. He was clearly happy about being able to run around!

365: Day 5

From sunny Puerto Rico to icy New Hampshire. I took a walk along the trails at Kingman Farm in Madbury, NH. There is so much beauty that can be found in ice! This was ice that was crystallizing over the surface of a little creek along the path. It's two seasons combining, with the ice on top and the fall leaves sunk on the bottom.

365: Day 4

I was so sad to leave Puerto Rico! It was WAY too quick of a trip. I woke up early on my last day and wondered along the beach attempting to soak up and store as much sun as I could before heading back to the frozen Northeast. It was amazing to watch the huge pelicans dive straight down into the water to catch their breakfast.

365: Day 3

Announcing Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez! The wedding was beautiful and the day after the whole wedding gang, including the bride and groom, hung out together under the palm trees! It was a relaxing day of sipping drinks out of coconuts, splashing in the pool, eating leftover wedding reception food, and swimming in the ocean. It was wonderful!

365: Day 2

Day 2 was the wedding day in Rincon, P.R.. Sherry, the bride, woke me up around 7 a.m. and said I had to come and see the sunrise. I flew out of bed, grabbed my camera and ran outside. In my pajamas and wild morning hair, we wandered down to the beach. Because I got into Rincon so late the night before, I hadn't yet seen everything in the daylight. It was gorgeous! Watching the sunrise over the bright blue ocean with Sherry as we were so giddy about what her wedding day had in store, was one of my favorite memories of the trip! Here is a panoramic view of the beach and the sunrise.

365: Day 1

On New Year's Day I flew into San Juan Puerto, Rico to stand in the wedding of my very close friends, Sherry and Fernando. It didn't hit me that I was going on a tropical island vacation until I looked down and saw the sunny land of San Juan!

Announcing The 365 Project!

You may have noticed the I stopped my 52 Week Project after Week 6. Well, the reason I stopped it was because I wanted to challenge myself more than just taking a photo a week for the year. I am finally doing it! I am doing The 365 Project! Some of you may have heard about this already, but I will be taking a photo a day for the entire year. I started it on January 1st and will continue it all the way through until December 31st!
It is a huge challenge, but something I am so ready for!