All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

365: Day 47

I went to visit my friend Lara in Manchester for a fun girls day of shopping, chick flicks and dinner. Her old puppy Duncan was not able to join us and was a little sad about it. We still love you Duncan!

365: Day 46

Last Friday was a beautiful summer day and it made me dream of summer. So, I decided to make a summer-y meal. Here is my sweet red pepper and smoked Gouda cheeseburger. Delicious!

365: Day 45

Let's be honest, Valentine's Day isn't always the most fun holiday when you are single. I used to cringe when Valentine's Day would roll around and feel sorry for myself over what I thought I didn't have. But the truth is, I have so much! The love I have comes from my amazing parents who have taught me what a marriage should be, my siblings and niece and nephew who love me unconditionally and whom I love back with all my heart, my amazing friends who support me and lift me up when times are hard, and from myself for loving who I am and realizing I don't need to be in a relationship to define my happiness.

I got beautiful yellow roses from my friend Meagan for Valentine's Day! So thankful for great friends!

364: Day 44

I finally found a way to put up my new 2013 wall calendar. This is above my desk.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

365: Day 43

As I was leaving work yesterday, I noticed this oil design in a puddle in the parking lot.

365: Day 42

One of my favorite fruits!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

365: Day 41

 I normally never go back and change one of my photos of the day, but I am going to now! I accidentally deleted this photo and was so upset, but found a way to restore my deleted pictures! This was from a couple of weeks ago when my friend Chelsea and I took her dog Hooper for a walk in all the fresh snow! He was in heaven!

365: Day 40

Blizzard 2013. I went outside yesterday morning to start the process of shoveling out my car after the almost 2 feet of snow that came throughout the night. The wind was clearly in my favor! I came out to find my car was on bare pavement without an inch on it! The cars on the opposite side of the lot didn't fair so well! They had a 3+ foot drift around theirs. Don't worry, I was a good neighbor and offered to help shovel them out.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

365: Day 39

Storm's a' brewin'! Enjoyed a snow day yesterday as Snowstorm Nemo entered New England. The governor recommended all cars stay off the road by noon, so it was a quiet, lonely, afternoon on the street as the snow flurries began.

365: Day 38

This was the only photo I took on Thursday. Made a quick little trip to the walk-in clinic after 6 miserable days of uncontrollable coughing. Turns out I had the flu and Bronchitis. After getting some meds, I am finally on the road to recovery, which means... more exciting photos!

365: Day 37

I was so excited to check my mail the other day and find the Yooper phone stickers I ordered had come in the mail! Yooper Shirts sells these fun little Upper Michigan stickers to put on your iPhone button.

Friday, February 8, 2013

365: Day 36

A yummy Vitamin C treat! I was in need of jazzing up my snacks after being stuck in the house for a few days with this nasty cold. These are chocolate dipped orange slices sprinkled with sea salt. The chocolate sauce is a recipe I got from a friend (raw cacao powder, local maple syrup, and coconut oil), so it's healthy too!

Monday, February 4, 2013

365: Day 35

I call this "Common Cold Still Life". I apologize for the lack of quality and creativity. This cold is kickin' my booty and not leaving much energy for photography time.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

365: Day 34

I attended the Greek Awards on campus today as the co-advisor of Delta Xi Phi. I am so incredibly proud of these amazing women. Way to go DXP!

365: Day 33

Great night out with friends for Indian food in Dover to celebrate Julia's birthday.

365: Day 32

There was a big fire in downtown Portsmouth on Friday night. We noticed all the lights and sirens while we were out for a girls dinner. We came out of the restaurant to see the streets lined with fire trucks from all over.

365: Day 31

View from our table in the food court at lunch the other day. The flags represent the countries our current UNH students are from.

365: Day 30

Picking out which necklace to wear to work.