All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

365: Day 145

While I am waiting for my new car to get back from the shop, I am enjoying the greetings I get in my rental car.

365: Day 144

It has been so rainy the past few days. Raindrops on the plants outside my office window.

365: Day 143

I bought a new car! I am so excited about my sassy blue Ford Fiesta! 
Here is my old car vs. my new one. 
It's getting touched up in the shop right now, but I should have it by the end of the week.

365: Day 142

This photo doesn't capture the downpour through my car windshield as much as I hoped it would, 
but you can see the stream of water gushing off the rooftop.

365: Day 141

My last travel night for the school year. Stayed at a hotel in Keene for the night.

365: Day 140

It was the first outdoor "Burrito Monday" of the summer. My friends and I gather every Monday for $5 burritos at Dos Amigos and enjoy them on the stairs of city hall. 

365: Day 139

It was 11:50 p.m. and I was in bed when I realized that I had not yet taken a photo-of-the-day. 
So, I took a quick self-portrait.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

365: Day 138

We went on an amazing whale watch yesterday through Cape Ann Whale Watch ( Although I didn't get any really great pictures of the whales, we did see lots of them and even saw a humpback jump out of the water! In this photo, there are actually two humpbacks swimming together. Humpbacks are actually solitary animals, but sometimes they will form an association with another whale and travel side-by-side for up to three days. The back end is one of the whales and the blow is from the other. I would highly recommend this trip!

365: Day 137

Matt and I spent the day walking all around Boston. This was an Australian street performer at Faneuil Hall in Boston. He was balancing on a 12-foot pole being held up by audience members while spinning a blade with his breath and juggling knives. It was pretty cool!

365: Day 136

Panoramic view of the Nubble Lighthouse and the rocky Maine coastline.

365: Day 135

Prescott Park in Portsmouth, NH

365: Day 134

My brother and I spent the day exploring around Salem, MA. Behind us is the "Friendship" in the historical Salem Harbor. (I used the self-timer for this shot.)

365: Day 133

My brother, Matt is visiting for the whole week! So happy to have him here!

365: Day 132

After spending the afternoon doing graduate work at a coffee shop in Portsmouth, 
I noticed this view while walking back to my car. 
I loved how the sun hit the John Langdon House with the dark storm clouds in the background.

365: Day 131

Had a great time seeing "Grease" at The Palace in Manchester with my friend Lara.

365: Day 130

Enjoying our Friday night at Margarita's after a long week!

365: Day 129

The pedestrian button on the crosswalk made for a fun picture on a misty day.

365: Day 128

Flowering trees in downtown Durham outside of a coffee shop.

365: Day 127

Out to enjoy lunch break with my co-workers. We checked out the Delta Xi Phi Sorority's Dunk Tank during exam week.

365: Day 126

Walking back from my class, I spotted these guys walking around campus. 
The front horse was eyeing me pretty hard!

365: Day 125

A fiddlehead out at the Great Bay Discovery Center.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

365: Day 124

Sneak peek from a wedding I photographed.
Here is the bridal party's reaction to the happy couple's kiss.

365: Day 123

 This is one tree with two different types of flower growing on it.
The tree trunks grew together at the bottom.

365: Day 122

Hamilton Smith on UNH campus

365: Day 121

Beautiful fresh orchids at my hotel in Boston

365: Day 120

During a break in between college fairs at the Boston Convention Center, some friends and I walked down to the Boston Marathon Memorial. It was incredible to see all of the support for this great city.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

365: Day 119

During the break from my grad class, I stared longingly out the window wishing I could be out to enjoy the beautiful sunshine!

365: Day 118

It was a gorgeous day to go for a run and listen to some new tunes!

365: Day 117

Relay for Life

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

365: Day 116

This is the inside of a rustic metal lamp that a friend gave me.

365: Day 115

After grad class, my friends Gilly and Stephanie and I enjoyed dinner in the dining hall. 
Afterwards, Stephanie's boyfriend, who is a firefighter, came and picked us up in the firetruck and then gave us a tour around the station. We had an awesome time! This photo is of the side of the firetruck.

Monday, May 6, 2013

365: Day 114

Chocolate-covered pretzels at a farewell party for my co-worker and good friend Sherry, who is leaving Admissions for a new job at the UNH Business School.

365: Day 113

Apparently I did not take any other photos on this day other than this one. 
Night sky from my apartment parking lot.

365: Day 112

Went for a little walk after work along the Dover City Trails.

365: Day 111

Enjoyed breakfast out with friends at the Friendly Toast followed by coffee at a fun, little bookstore.

365: Day 110

Enjoyed another wonderful Founder's Day with the DXP women! I am blessed to be their advisor!

365 Day 109

Night out with friends at The Wharf in Portsmouth. 
A couple of friends had a chess match while the rest of us watched the 
capture of the Boston Marathon suspects.

365: Day 108

In honor of our neighbors in Boston.

365: Day 107

A lone flower at the Derryfield School while I was there for an evening college panel.