All photographs are copyright of Elisabeth Grace Photography.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's That Time Again: Summer Photo-a-Day

Hi everyone!

So, it's been over five months since I have posted anything. I guess working full-time while taking two grad classes will do that to you!

But, it's summer and I am back! Starting with the last day of school (graduation day) to the first day back in the fall, I will be taking a photo-a-day to document all the fun that summer will hold.

Day 1:
Yesterday was the University of New Hampshire's graduation day. Our commencement speaker this year was the amazingly talented Jennifer Lee, writer and director of the award-winning movie Frozen and proud UNH alum. She was great! I can't wait for a year from now when I will be walking across that stage with my Masters. Go Wildcats!

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